Sunday, May 1, 2011

Favorite Moments

The middle of this week had some rocky moments (it's incredible how manipulative and mean some people can be), but the past three or so days have been amazing.

It's hard to choose, but my favorite night was probably Friday. The official event was a joint birthday celebration, and although it wasn't technically for me (my birthday isn't until next week), my friends are so sweet they included me in everything. :) We began at the Yard House. The food and drinks were super tasty. In addition to my spicy tuna "roll" (the Yard House version is more like a delicious cylinder) and two Franziskaner Dunkelwisens, I was surprised with a complimentary birthday souffle! It was wonderful. Afterwards, about half of the group headed over to Irvine Lanes to meet up with some more friends for a night of unlimited cosmic bowling, homemade birthday cake, and, of course, more beer. My lane was particularly loud/rowdy but it was hilarious so hopefully nobody minded too much because I had a pretty kick ass time. Then, I enjoyed a few hours of good conversation, laughter, and Egyptian Rat Screw (aka Turkey Slap) domination before heading home exhausted and happy.

And yet as I type this, I keep thinking of all the other, quieter moments that were so special in their own right. Like my gifted polvorone. Or seeing old friends. Or getting to know new ones. Or a night of Albatros and Y Tu Mama Tambien followed by a beautiful dawn, a whirlpool bath, and McDonald's (crack infused) oatmeal and hazelnut iced coffee. Or the Gypsy Den. Or a cozy afternoon. Or wandering the Spectrum before enjoying a delicious, warming dinner at Mizuki.

The best part is, most all of these great moments were unplanned and/or unexpected. Hmm. Maybe my favorite moment is right now, as I am able to reflect upon and feel such gratitude towards all the people who treat me so well. Words can't begin to express my appreciation. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Days Go By

It's been a good month.

Since last I wrote, my mom returned from her trip (with bags and bags of delicious Taiwanese candy), Emilie visited for almost a week, and Regina came down for a weekend in celebration of her birthday. I've also updated my website and written some more Yelp reviews.

Other highlights include: Discovery Science Center, Thanh, Cha, bowling, Wednesday night dinners, Disneyland (including Fantastmic! and an early birthday lunch at the Blue Bayou :D), game night, riddles, bread baking, Balboa Island/Peninsula, Spaghetti Factory, Orange Sushi, soccer games/practices, coffee with Ryan, Albatros (and a DELICIOUS food coma/pain inducing burrito), Rutabegorz, downtown Fullerton/street fair, Phase 10, Thai Cafe, Mario Kart domination, TiMER (I keep re-watching this movie, haha), open mic at Paradise Perks, catching up with Jackie, running into a friend I haven't seen in a decade, Weinerschnitzel, Irvine Regional Park, bike riding, Zombie Fluxx, sunrises, karaoke, Del, Old Town Pasadena, 21 Choices, Nucleus Gallery, Sushi Momo, baking Lemon Cheese Squares, Easter Brunch, Scattegories/Catch Phrase, egg dying, a nostalgic tour of Irvine, Curry House, more Zombie Fluxx/etc, The Secret of Kells, another day at Balboa Island/Peninsula, grapefruit gummies, Ruby's, Laguna Beach, Gelato Paradiso, the Koffee Klatch, Desperate Housewives, good conversation, memorable moments, and happy days.

These past few weeks I kept making mental notes to update this blog, but I really haven't had the time to until now. Which is awesome. I love when friends come to stay with me, it's always so much fun. I'm excited to set up the media room so my guests will have a more comfortable living space. They'll basically have their own room/bathroom when they stay. In fact, the small bathroom that will essentially be theirs is nearly done. The shower and toilet are in working condition already. It looks SO nice. :)

Anyway, I'm going to try and do more specific/detailed posts in the future (versus these blanket recaps). I might put up a few picture posts later.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunny Days

This past week featured warm weather. Finally. Every free moment I had I tried to spend outside in the sun. It was nice. :) The following pictures were taken in Laguna, Balboa, and at the Great Park in Irvine.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Winning is Fun

Today was the second game of our Spring season and... we won! Again! We were playing one down the second half (not for lack of people showing up but because one of my girls had a really bad allergic reaction to something (?) at half time and had to go home :/) and while it was more of a challenge (our opponents weren't a bad team and they had some pretty ogre-ly tall guys playing as forwards) we were still able to keep the score 3-1. Woo!

Since it was an afternoon game and I had no plans afterwards, I also brought Fred along. Eeee I love bringing Fred to my soccer games. At any lull during the game I can glance over to Fred (and my Dad who graciously watches Fred while I play) and be delighted to see him staring at - not the movement of the ball or the people surrounding the ball, but - ME! :D He just kind of watches me with a super cute/happy expression hahahah. Except today he did more than just watch me; he somehow got unclipped from his leash and ran onto the field. Luckily his goal was to run straight TO me and not AWAY from me (as he sometimes does in an attempt to start a riveting game of chase...) so I was able to scoop him up really easily. And then I got reprimanded for holding the other team on side as I returned Fred to my Dad/tried to figure out how he got loose in the first place hahaha. Good times.

In other news, I'm accumulating too many "To Review" places on Yelp so I've been trying to set aside a little time to write. Here are some of my most recent reviews: Orange Sushi, Roman Cucina, and Max Blooms Cafe Noir. More to come soon, hopefully!

Finally, highlights include: Joe visiting, Roman Cucina, the dollar theatre, brunch at IHOP, Peet's, shopping at the Spectrum, Kim's birthday, catching up with old friends, Orange Sushi (chef Neo sent over a free dish [baked snapper of deliciousness] because he appreciated my Yelp review so much!), Postcrossing, Wordfeud, home-cooked meals, It's a Grind, and Jamba Juice. Pretty standard stuff. Oh also they started the bathroom remodel project and I finally wrapped up the last bits of a property deal! So it's been a nice mix of productiveness, fun, and relaxation. :) Still haven't had time to really work on my own life goals list, but I'll get there...